Boston North Shore Study

Regional Saugus River Floodgate Project - Everett, Lynn, Malden, Nahant, Revere and Saugus, Massachusetts

Damages & Sea Level Rise

Damages for each storm were determined by over 2,000 interviews of flood levels in various storms including the 1978, topographic mapping of floodplain with spot elevations in front of each building, and damage surveys for about 4,000 buildings, combined with stage-frequency of tide levels in Broad Sound.

Damages were not estimated for Town Line & Linden brooks area since the MDC was investigating the area for flooding at the time.  Damages are also not included for the 300 buildings in the Upper Saugus River & Shute Brook areas, or damages to vessels from a lack of a Harbor of Refuge.. Damages have not been estimated for developments in the floodplains since 1988, or for buildings added around the floodplains due to sea level rise.

future flood damages


Sea Level Rise: US National Research Council, 1987



Four (4) Citizen Steering Committees (CSC) & one Technical Group (TG) with 60 members helped to plan & design the Regional Project

Over 100 meetings held with CSCs and TG including public meetings to develop & select plan.






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