Boston North Shore Study

Regional Saugus River Floodgate Project - Everett, Lynn, Malden, Nahant, Revere and Saugus, Massachusetts

Floodgate at Mouth of Saugus River
Floodgate at Mouth of Sau...
Lynn Harbor Shore Needs 8,745 Feet of Dikes & Walls
Lynn Harbor Shore Needs 8...
Bulkhead Just North of MDC Fishing Pier
Bulkhead Just North of MD...
Deteriorated & Eroded Bulkhead, Needs Dike 5 feet Above Non-eroded  Land
Deteriorated & Eroded Bul...
Bulkhead Wall is gone..Needs Dike 5 Ft. Above Non-eroded Grade
Bulkhead Wall is gone..Ne...
Ocean Side of Bulkhead, Needs 3,100 Feet of New  Dike with Stone Slope Protection
Ocean Side of Bulkhead, N...
South Bulkhead Looking Toward Point Of Pines
South Bulkhead Looking To...
Lynn Harbor at Boston Gas
Lynn Harbor at Boston Gas
 Proposed: 3,080 Ft. of New/Raised Steel Sheet Pile Wall
Proposed: 3,080 Ft. of N...
Wall & Dike at Boston Gas, to be Replaced with Raised & New Wall
Wall & Dike at Boston Gas...
Stone Slope North of Boston Gas
Stone Slope North of Bost...
Proposed: Concrete Gravity Wall; 1,070 feet to El. 14 at Philips Lighting Norelco Building
Proposed: Concrete Gravit...
Stone Slope Exists With Concrete Blocks at Philips Lighting Building
Stone Slope Exists With C...
Proposed: Raise 1,200 Ft.of Dike to El. 14
Proposed: Raise 1,200 Ft....
Proposed 295 Ft. Wall ends at Road Left Side of Channel Across from North Shore Community College
Proposed 295 Ft. Wall end...
Heritage Park Boat Slips Empty in the Winter
Heritage Park Boat Slips ...
Nahant Rotary-- Start of Nahant Causeway
Nahant Rotary-- Start of ...
General Electric Jet Engine Plant viewed from Gen, Ed Bridge
General Electric Jet Engi...
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